Biggest Loser Season 8 Conference Call

I realize that I say this about a lot of shows, but I absolutely love The Biggest Loser. It is inspirational, wonderful, and life-affirming all at the same time. Not to mention, I can’t get enough of Bob and Jillian kicking some serious ass. I will post my review of the Season 8 premiere next week, but I recently had the chance to participate in a conference call with Bob, Jillian, and Executive Producer Mark Koops. The theme of the new season is second chances, and I was absolutely thrilled to be able to speak with them. Hope you enjoy!

The first question is from Joshua Maloney, Niagara Frontier Publications.
Jillian, let me ask you first, you know…this season the theme is second chances. What does that mean and what does it mean to you in particular?

Jillian Michaels: Oh that’s a great question. What it means essentially is that every human being has gone through a tragedy of sorts. And the idea is that you have two paths you can take, you can find that alchemy that turns lead into gold, find that magic where you can see the loss as an entry point for learning and grow from it and become wiser and stronger. I think Ernest Hemingway said it best is life breaks us all but you’re stronger in the places that were broken. Or you can essentially crumble, give up, and, you know, waste your life. So we have these contestants that have been to hell and back to be quite frank. I think the most extreme result is a woman who lost her entire family in a car wreck. And they’re coming to the campus and the idea is that how do we heal these old injuries and rehabilitate these contestants not just physically but emotionally because ultimately although we talk about diet and exercise the philosophy of the show has always been about life. And what that means to me personally is exactly that. And, you know, I have found that there are many things in life that can be reasoned with or rationalized and the loss of a loved one is something that I have always struggled with and never seem to overcome in my own life. And, you know, working with Abbey who is the woman that lost her entire family, it brought about a lot of personal realizations for me which begin in Episode 1. So you may have seen that and that might be why you’re asking me the question but…I think it sends a message to America that we can overcome any tragedy and turn it into triumph with the right skill set and mind frame.

Great. And Bob, you know, after seven seasons what do you find is more difficult for the contestants, is it the physical aspect or is it the mental aspect?

Bob Harper: Well I think that it’s all about the mental. I think that people come in and they expect it to all be about just diet and exercise. And Jillian and I are just so much more than that. We want to get to the why as opposed to just the how. And I think that for a lot of people that come onto our show that’s like a very big eye-opening experience. They’re going to come in and they’re thinking okay I’m going to know how to workout, I’m going to know how to eat right. And it’s like no, we’re going to be looking at ever aspect of your life because by the time we have you, if we have you for 1 week or 12 weeks we’re going to try to make a difference.

Robin Roth, What was it like training together this season?

Bob Harper: Jillian?

Jillian Michaels: Oh I was going to say Bob. You know, I think that we both feel that everything evolves in the way that it should. And it feels very natural to us. I think that this is how the show should have been since its onset. But I can’t imagine not working together. We both – I also learned something about Bob that I never understood, you know, we are very – we have the same ideas and beliefs about where they should end up. We have different approaches on how to get there. And I think that we are complementary to each other. And in addition there’s only one person in this world that can understand this job and what it requires and the stresses that it puts on us as the trainers. And to have to compete with my number one ally and the person that I can go to for advice and feedback and support really sucks. And I think that, you know, I think that that’s been evident to America who see us struggle with that dynamic. And so I personally never want to see it go back another way. I think the competition exists between the contestants and should not exist – should not involve the trainers whatsoever.

Bob Harper: That’s exactly what I think. I just think that working with Jillian she is – she is my number one confidante. She is the one person that like I can go to and have always been able to go to. But like in seasons past you never really got to see that. Now all of the sudden you see our two forces really joined together. And I really think that there was magic there.

Bob, you had a pretty big blowout last season with Joelle. Can we expect any of those this season?

Bob Harper: I don’t think that I would as much as I did last season. I think that, you know, everyone asks me about that incident. And I just think that I am extremely passionate about what I do. And I do – I do want people to rise above and really look at what their true potential is. And I’ve always said I can’t do anything until somebody is ready to make a change. And I think for Joelle she just found herself in a place of wanting to find a comfortable place to stay in. And there is nothing comfortable about that house.

Jillian Michaels: Yeah.

Bob Harper: Nothing.

Jillian Michaels: Yeah.

Bob Harper: These guys, they come in and they get their asses handed to them on a daily basis. And it makes them stronger and it makes them never ever forget what it was like to be able to make this transformation. And Joelle just wasn’t ready for it.

Brandi Koskie, So my first question is having Daniel back on campus. Were you guys surprised by that news and what do you think is different this time around?

Bob Harper: Go ahead Jillian.

Jillian Michaels: You know, I think that we had been given the head’s up prior. And so, you know, we weren’t surprised. We were excited. We were really happy that the show was taking responsibility and seeing his journey through, you know, finishing what he started; finishing what we started with him. So for that I’m very proud of the decision that Biggest Loser made to do that. What’s different? I think I can illustrate it seeing that you’ve obviously seen the first episode, you know, here was a kid that came in last in every challenge. And the very first challenge he comes in first. So, I mean, that’s the best way I can illustrate the changes.

Bob Harper: It was the best thing also because here Daniel was, he is the face of what’s going on in America right now; he is a 19 year old boy at 454 pounds. That is not normal but it has become the norm. And for him to continue on his journey coming back on for another season is going to inspire that generation that is in need of such help at this point.

We’re excited to see his progress this season. And then, Jillian my second question was for you, during Week 1 on campus Holly self-interviewed you on behalf of

Jillian Michaels: Right.

And you talked to her about kind of some of the regrets that you’ve had in training or your relationships with past contestants. And I’m curious if you took any of that to heart this season and what changes you made in your self and the way you work with the contestants and train this season?

Jillian Michaels: I can’t – unfortunately I can’t – I don’t remember what the regret would have been.

Bob Harper: Jillian has no regrets. I think…

Mark Koops: …I mean, Jillian gives as does, you know, Bob, I mean, gives 100%, you know, to these contestants on a, you know, daily basis. And, you know, you know, and continues to do that well after they’ve left the show as does Bob on an ongoing basis. So, you know, I think, you know, at times they’re all-consumed with the contestants and that’s part of the success of the show. And, you know…

Jillian Michaels: I’m like – I’m like what was I regretting? I don’t remember. It’s like unfortunately if you could enlighten me on what I was…

Mark Koops: You’ve had a few fallouts with a few contestants…

Jillian Michaels: Oh I’ve definitely had…I mean believe me. Yeah like I could go on and on that’s why because I think that, you know, I learn every season. You know and I grow every season and it’s like oh I wish I hadn’t been – oh God, I mean, I wish I’d handled Felipe and Sione differently. I wish I hadn’t been triggered personally by that. I wish that I hadn’t allowed my insecurity to come out in that particular instance. And, you know, I looked at it, I evaluated it, I’ve grown from it. So but, you know, you would have to give me the specific instance to really give you a thoughtful answer. But I’m always growing as a trainer, as a person, as a life coach. And so, you know, there’s always room for improvement. I incorporate the lessons I learned from my mistakes and move forward.

Mark Koops: Yeah but even that’s what’s interesting this season going back to the training together is, you know, it’s really, you know, it feels so fresh and I think adds another new layer to the show. And, you know, I think it further elevates the show. And watching, you know, Bob and Jillian who, you know, I believe to be the world’s two best trainers working hand in hand, you know, these 16 people who, you know, who came to the ranch this season, you know, 16 luckiest Americans in my mind, you know, trying to get their health back in shape. I mean just, you know, they got the benefits of both trainers as many contestants haven’t. I’ll think you’ll see from the results that they really benefited from that.

Jim Halterman, You know, one of the appeals of this show is definitely seeing how you, Bob and Jillian, kind of react to the different, you know, contestants and everything. Was there ever a time when you kind of thought you had to keep your emotions kind of closer instead of just kind of just letting them out? I mean how do you guys deal with that?

Jillian Michaels: Bob?

Bob Harper: I, you know, last season – I’m the guy that’s always going to have somehow some emotional breakdown and last season was no different. I think that we do take our jobs, like I said, so personally. And it is – it becomes a matter of life or death; not to sound dramatic, it’s reality. I mean these guys are coming to us with one foot in the grave.

Jillian Michaels: Yeah.

Bob Harper: And I think that like we do take it personally and we do want to make a change. And we do want them to really stand up for themselves. And so it’s like it’s hard for it to just be a job because it’s not just a job for either one of us. I mean Jillian and I are extremely passionate with every – in ever aspect of our careers. So to keep our cards close it’s just – for me at least it’s not the easiest thing to do.

And Jillian, any thoughts on that?

Jillian Michaels: Oh, you know, I come from, you know, the school of, you know, I’ve been (stereotyped) since I was five years old. And I know that I should not be putting my personal issues on the table or letting them effect my work with the contestants; that I should be sort of a blank tablet for them to project the good parent, the bad parent, whatever issues they’re having and work those issues through. And I try not to, you know. But as you’ll see in Episode 1 when Abby is talking about losing her family I had a personal identification with it and I had a reaction which I was disappointed in myself for doing because I don’t want the contestant to turn around and feel like she needs to take care of me. And I was like God damn it Jillian, why did you do, you know, and it just – again it’s like if we were talking about regret that would be one thing that I wish I could put more of a lid on. And in having my own emotional response to the things that happen there and to the contestants I worry that I could jeopardize their growth or their process for that reason or I could have a transference like I did with Felipe and Sione. And so I’m, you know, I’m working on containing that as best as possible. I’ve yet to be successful. So…

Bob Harper: I know, me to. It’s like I’ve learned to be more of that anchor for the contestants when they’re going through whatever it is they’re going through that they know that they can rely on me when the going gets tough. And that’s why I loved working with Jillian too because they had two anchors.

Jillian Michaels: Yeah.

Bob Harper: And, I mean, that’s why it’s like it’s so great and refreshing to see the two of us working together because the competition gets put back into the contestant’s hand and it’s just – it leaves Jillian and I just to focus on what we need to do and that is to help these guys get their lives back.

Jillian Michaels: One of my favorite parts of working with Bob and this is sort of like an analogy that I used is I feel sort of like where, you know, we’re like two leopards on the Serengeti and they’re like a herd of animals. And I’m like, okay, I’m going to split off this one and destroy them. And it’s like, you know, and Bob will like, you know, sort of wrangle the herd and then I can peel one person off or the other way around whereas when we are, you know, unfortunately having to train teams or black and blue we don’t have the time to do that deeper work because…

Bob Harper: Right.

Jillian Michaels: …I don’t have him training my other five contestants so I can destroy one of them and break them down. But if Bob’s in the room he’ll handle 11 people and I can take care of one and get to the root of the issue or vice versa. And I really think that that was the biggest benefit is that we could rely on each other so we could take that personal time with each person. And we can’t do that when we’re training separately.

Rita Sherrow, Tulsa World. I had two questions. One, tell me about working with Andy and Sean because they’re from my area.

Jillian Michaels: Oh. Bob, do you want to take that one?

Bob Harper: Oh I mean I loved working with them. I just saw them at – we had this little boot camp for the past contestants. And, you know, they did such a great job. And I think Sean has come such a long way.

Jillian Michaels: Oh, you know, I have really nothing bad to say about any of the contestants this season. One of them…

Mark Koops: And that may be a first.

Bob Harper: Right.

Jillian Michaels: No one of them is a bit of a troublemaker and Bob sort of forces me to deal with that which you’ll have to just, you know, continue to watch. But I think that they were all really lovely people. And I think it’s no secret that I was very unhappy during Season 7. And, you know, one of the contestants actually said to me, she’s like, Jillian I feel like you, you know, you’ve come out of like a bad relationship. And, you know, you’re not getting close to us and you’re holding us at arm’s length. And they were the perfect cast to help me reconnect in that way. And the boys were no different. They really all are special exceptional people with a lot to share. And I think America is going to love them.

Okay that wasn’t the answer I was going for but the second one would be. In the season premiere did you feel like you and Bob sort of – in working together – kind of egged each other on? Did you feel a higher level of – not aggression but a higher level of…it was like explosive and I was just thinking oh my God they’re going to bounce off the walls any second.

Jillian Michaels: You know, I know, I definitely think that it was probably bloodier and more vicious than previous seasons.

Bob Harper: Because it was relentless, I mean, just think about it…

Jillian Michaels: It was, yeah.

Bob Harper: …you work with – I’m working with one person and all of the sudden I’m literally taking every amount of energy this one girl has got when she thinks she’s done it’s all of a sudden Jillian’s like my turn. I mean it’s like, like it was unbelievable. I really felt sorry for the contestants some times.

Jillian Michaels: They definitely – they were just getting double – they were getting it from all angles; it was awful.

And how did you all – how did you all deal with that after you left the gym? I mean do you leave it behind?

Bob Harper: Oh yeah. The gym is business, I mean, the gym is – what happens in the gym stays in the gym it’s like Vegas.

Jennifer Lenhart, In Touch. So I wanted to actually go with – back to Jillian you had talked about the good parent, bad parent…Do the contestants pick up on that? Do they try to play you against each other?

Jillian Michaels: They definitely – they don’t know what is going on they just know that like one of us is – like Bob will come in and he gives them – everybody needs a fan and the support and the encouragement. And, you know, we’re human beings; that is an essential part of the equation. But then what I try to do is I’m like when that fan is not there and when you’re in a situation that triggers you on a historical level and you want to behave or you behave impulsively you can destroy, you know, years worth of work professionally, personally, in a moment of being triggered by the bad parent so to speak. And so I’ll come in and play that role of bad parent and be confrontational with them so they have an ability to work those issues through, understand them, bring about a different outcome, gain some awareness and have the tools to apply in their everyday lives when those things happen. So I think that we both complete the circle. And that’s something that I really came to understand in working with Bob this season is I was like both of these elements and dynamics are necessary. And it’s kind of like every kid should grow up with his mother and his father, you know. They had a full education and they experienced every range of emotions and information and knowledge. I cannot remember what your question was.

Well I was asking about the good parent bad parent dynamic.

Jillian Michaels: Right, right.

Would you consider yourself the bad parent then?

Jillian Michaels: Oh without a question. Oh no question.

Bob Harper: Duh.

Jillian Michaels: But I think that sometimes, you know, a lot of times being their friend is not necessarily helping them do the work that they need to do. I’m not there to be their friend. I don’t need to have my ego validated in that way. I’m there to create an awareness for them. And that can be painful. And, you know, they don’t fully understand what’s happening at the time so it’s like God, why is she always in my face and why is she always, you know, attacking me? And they can – they can sort of go back to a victim mentality that you have to bring them out of. And it’s complicated but I definitely am the bad parent. And I think that in my own life where I’ve gotten myself into trouble or made mistakes or done damage is by not understanding how a situation was triggering me historically as in, you know, this reminds me of a dynamic I had a child and I reacted impulsively and did damage. So I’m trying to help them understand the root of the disease, the self destructive behavior and play out these dynamics with a different outcome. And, you know, when they go back home it’s like oh, okay I get it. This is that feeling again and I know where this comes from, I know what this is about and here’s how I’m going to handle it. That’s what I’m trying to do.

And so Bob that kind of makes you the good parent by default?

Bob Harper: By default I am the good parent.

How do you feel about that?

Bob Harper: You know, I come and I’ve used my own personal experience, you know, I came from a world where I was in need and starving for the good parent so it’s like to bring my own persona issues in that’s – I am the parent that I always wanted to have; that’s how I look at my role.

Troy Rogers, Now since the theme of this one is second chances how are your approaches to training different when you’re dealing with somebody who already knows like Daniel? Was it more psychological or physical or…

Jillian Michaels: God, I don’t believe that it differs at all.

Bob Harper: No.

Jillian Michaels: I think, you know, I don’t think it’s based on second chances because to be totally honest we know we’re always dealing with contestants that have tragedies like this they’re just not making it onto the show. I think that the differences in the training styles exists. I think we have evolved as professionals. And I think for that reason again, you know, every season we continue to set new records. But, you know, and we have the benefit of our collective knowledge and the dynamic where we can work off of and play off of each other but I don’t think it has anything to do with second chances necessarily with the training.

Okay. Well for you Bob, how do you work to ensure there’s not a third chance?

Bob Harper: Well but I come from a world that if their second chance fails they’re going to get a third chance…

Jillian Michaels: Right.

Bob Harper: …and a fourth and a fifth and a 15th. I think that – I don’t want anyone to ever put themselves in a box of I lost my second chance because life brings with you ebbs and flows and if you miss out on this second chance, guess what, you’re going to get another one if you decide that you’re ready to have one.

So for both of you guys it’s not like a – there’s no last shot deal kind of thing?

Jillian Michaels: No. We both – it was very funny, we were shooting the Super Ts and, you know, sometimes they decide to write lines for us. And one of them was you only get one second chance. And we both had a fit. We’re like that’s ridiculous. They get unlimited – and they took the line out. So, yeah, we don’t believe in that. It’s never too late to change your life.

Alix Sternberg, (yay!) Hi guys. Thanks so much for taking the call.

Bob Harper: Sure.

So for Jillian I know you were saying that you were really unhappy last season so what was the decision to come back? How did you make that decision?

Jillian Michaels: You know, because…

Bob Harper: I was going to kill her if she wouldn’t come back.

Jillian Michaels: You know what it is? It becomes a matter of, you know, when I look at this situation and if I’m not happy with what’s going on I have to say all right how is the show – like I may not be getting along with these contestants or I might not be in love with them this season but how is the show contributing to the betterment – to the health and the happiness of human beings on a global level? And that’s something that you don’t walk away from lightly. But, you know, it was hard. I definitely struggled with it on a lot of different levels and then I was like, all right, you know, what is the lesson that this is bringing me? How can I grow from this? And I have. But I will tell you that I definitely think I am different. I don’t get – I won’t get all the way in because getting all the way in you get too involved and it’s just not healthy. When – that’s that part about not allowing your emotions to effect their transference and their process. And so, you know, I’m like this is – I try – right now I’m trying to get in that place of being like this is a job; you do your job. You don’t get triggered emotionally. It is not personal. You get in and you do your job. So the show is an iconic bit of pop culture that I think, you know, helps to change the world. And it gives me a platform to do so. And, you know, you’ll watch both Bob and I, we are human, and we go through ebbs and flows with it. There are days when we both never want to go back and there are days when we’re like we’re the luckiest people on Earth. You know, it’s like anything there’s good and bad with everything.

And for Bob what do you think you have learned with each passing season?

Bob Harper: Wow, I mean, I think I learned – I learn so much every single season. But I realize that these contestants that come in and they are like I said knocking on death’s door, the science of it all really worked and amazes me. It’s the fact that like no matter how bad it’s gotten the body wants to be healthy. The body wants to bounce back. And so when you do these changes, you do these small changes every single day and you trust the process of what you’re doing. You really do make lasting – you make lasting changes onto your body. So it’s like I see that – like every time we see the test results come back from the doctor and you get to see just what Jillian and I do really works. And like…

Jillian Michaels: Yeah.

Bob Harper: …that amazes me every single season to just think wow, look, it does work. You don’t need all this medication that’s just like, you know, going across the counters at pharmacies. What you need is that you need to take charge of your life. And it’s like I love seeing that every single season. I love seeing these guys get healthier than they’ve ever gotten by what Jillian and I do with them on a daily basis.

And for both of you, one more question, do you both do any personal training still outside of the show?

Bob Harper: Jillian trains me. No we…no we don’t get a chance to.

Jillian Michaels: Yeah.

Bob Harper: It’s like, you know, we’re – we’ve got plenty of other things that Biggest Loser and our other ancillary projects have us doing.

Leslie Bruce, Us Weekly. Kind of paralleling an earlier question, the biggest contestant – you have the biggest contestant this season and you have a contestant who lost her entire family. What are the struggles you guys face specifically as trainers in these instances with these contestants?

Jillian Michaels: Jesus, Bob, you want to start?

Bob Harper: Well I just think working with someone that’s – she’s 476 pounds. And for both of us it was just really looking at again the why. Like why did – why does someone get to this place? What – where have they given up and where can we give them hope in that situation? I think that was the biggest challenge for working with Shay. This girl came with a lot of baggage and it was up to Jillian and I to take all of that apart ourselves and go through it and help her as much as possible. It was a huge challenge and so rewarding because this girl, I mean, like you would just say one thing to her about like having her look at her own life as opposed to anything else and I mean she would just fall apart.

Jillian Michaels: Yeah.

Bob Harper: And so it was like being able to get her to stand on her own two feet. And I mean to look at her – to look at that lost look in her eye but still having so much hope, I mean, it was just like – I have chills just talking about it because this girl needed us. This girl needed to be on The Biggest Loser and work with Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper because this girl was going to die. And it just like – it just was something that just really affected me personally and emotionally on a daily basis to help this girl.

…there are, you know, some, you know, Biggest Loser contestants that have left the show that still struggle and even the contestants who have kept off the weight do you guys, you know, do any outreach to them? Do you stay in contact with them? Do you continue to support them through their – you know, it’s a process, it’s an every day thing for most people.

Jillian Michaels: We’re always available to them. But whether they make the choice to reach out falls on their shoulders. You know, and I’ve told them very clearly I’m like I am busy. I do not have the time to check in on you; you need to throw up the white flag when you’re in danger. Call me, email me, let me know what’s going on and check in. Some of them do, you know, right now Seth from Season 2 has put all his weight back on and we’ve been talking. It’s – some of them don’t. Some of them, you know, go back into that place they – here’s what happens, they go back into an environment that is unhealthy and no – I think it was Timothy – it was either Ron (Doss) who said this and he was like you think you’re enlightened? Go back home for the weekend. And so, you know, the idea is that, you know, you’re putting them back in that environment and without the support system it’s very easy for a relapse to occur. And we do run an extremely high success rate of about 55%…

Jillian Michaels: …which is unheard of. But…

Bob Harper: Right.

Jillian Michaels: …Bob and I we don’t have the time to be checking in on 200 contestants every single day. You know, we are busy. So the onus falls upon them to reach out for help. And when it does we’re there and so is the show. The doctors stay with them, follow up with them. The casting people follow up with them. Mark gives them jobs…I mean we are there for them but they have to ask for the help.

Mark Koops: Yeah and I think they form friendships and bond-ships with each other. I mean, you know, a number of them just, you know, completed a race – competed in a race in San Francisco, you know, not just within that season but across the season. And…you know, we see now at the finale, you know, it’s all become, you know, like, you know, old boys day where you’re with literally, you know, half the contestants who have ever been on the show, you know, come back and, you know, and I think that’s something that’s special about the show is that they, you know, really form bonds not only with their sort of class but as it were but, you know, all the other classes that have been through. And, you know, hopefully that, you know, helps them, you know, stay on the right track because obviously that’s important for them and, you know, when something, you know, we’re proud of when they do stay on the right track. But it’s not easy as we all know from our own lives.

Bob Harper: We all – this is what I try to tell people from the very first day that they come onto the ranch, it’s going to be easy to lose weight at the house relatively speaking. As hard as they’re going to be working they’re in a controlled environment and they have Jillian and I up their ass on a daily basis.

Jillian Michaels: Yeah.

Bob Harper: But what they’ve got to learn is to stand on their own two feet and get out there and live in the real world like we all do. And talk to the people – like Jillian or me or anybody in their lives that have a body that they admire or they have this – they look a way that they like. And you’re going to talk to any of these people and they’re going to all tell you it’s a conscious decision that they have to make on a daily basis. I have to think about what I’m going to eat every day, how I’m going to fit working out in every single day. And that’s what I have to do for the rest of my life. And that’s what we try to teach them that they’re going to have to do for the rest of their lives. There’s no finish line. There’s no like quick fix here. These guys have to like take responsibility of their lives and be able to learn what we give them and take the tools that Jillian and I give them to live a better life and realize that it’s hard.

The 8th season premiere of Biggest Loser is Tuesday September 15th at 8 pm. It is a season that is truly not to be missed.


Filed under Biggest Loser, Bob Harper, Jillian Michaels

2 responses to “Biggest Loser Season 8 Conference Call

  1. jess

    Hmmm, I'm sure Jillian's paycheck didn't sway her at all to come back, right?

  2. Alix

    Haha…well she had said something in an earlier interview about how things needed to change, and it sounded more like the trainer thing and less like the money thing. But I'm sure that helped!

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