Top TV shows of 2009 and the decade: What were yours? PLUS What I’m looking forward to in 2010

Let’s face it…the lull in TV is a little sad right now. There is some great ABC Family programming coming back right after the first of the year (lots of coverage on Secret Life and Make It Or Break it is coming soon!), and Chuck and LOST come back soon as well. But right now, I have been filling my nights with The Vampire Diaries marathon and the tidbits of new TV that there is.

I have also been composing my best of lists! I will be posting my Best of the Year and Best of the Decade in the next couple weeks, but I am curious to know what are your favorites? It could be a moment, an episode, anything…

My decade list is going to be tough. I have a ton of shows I watched this decade…many of which were my favorites. Friends, Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, The Office and Arrested Development come to mind. As for Best of the Year, Glee and Modern Family will be on that list. I also have really enjoyed Parks and Recreation this season. And there are many others too. Tell me what you think!

What I’m looking forward to in 2010: ABC Family had such great programming this summer with Make it or Break It and Secret Life of the American Teenager. I am looking forward to their premieres on January 4th. Of course, I am excited about the last season of LOST, which premieres on February 2nd. (Also, a little sad about it). Chuck returns on January 10th! Glee returns in April (far, far too long to wait). V comes back on March 30th, and I’m looking forward to seeing what direction they are going in. In Treatment will be back for a 3rd season in the summer, and I adore that show. So there is definitely a lot to look forward to in 2010, I am just wishing it would come sooner! What are you looking forward to?


Filed under ABC Family, Glee, In Treatment, Make It Or Break it, Modern Family, Vampire Diaries

12 responses to “Top TV shows of 2009 and the decade: What were yours? PLUS What I’m looking forward to in 2010

  1. Josh

    Veronica Mars would definitely be in my top five of the decade list. I’d have to go with (in no particular order) that, BSG, Alias, Buffy, and Friday Night Lights for my dramas.

    I’ve loved Glee this year too! I still get chills when I think about Rachel’s comment to Puck: “I just think you want it too much, which is something I can relate to. I want everything too much.”

  2. Awesome! Friday Night Lights is one I have to catch up with before it airs again.

    Love that Glee line too. So many amazing moments from that show.

  3. Matt

    Oh man! Here is my best of the decade list:

    1. The Wire (by a huge margin!)
    2. The Shield
    3. The Office
    4. The West Wing
    5. Lost

    And of the year:

    1. Chuck
    2. Lost
    3. Parks and Recreation
    4. Dexter
    5. Glee

    Oh man, that was tough!

    • Josh

      I’m kind of looking forward to ABC’s Happy Town in 2010. They’re pitching it like the new Twin Peaks, which could go either way…but it’s got Amy Acker!

  4. I like those lists! I like the West Wing but I think it might get an honorable mention.

    As for Happy Town, I’ve heard good/interesting things. I think ABC has really cut down it’s order though, so we’ll see how that goes…

  5. Here’s my top 5 of the decade:

    1. Veronica Mars
    2. Friday Night Lights
    3. Wonderfalls
    4. Ed
    5. Rome

    Top 5 of the year:
    1. Friday Night Lights
    2. Chuck
    3. The Big Bang Theory
    4. Rescue Me
    5. Modern Family

    As for shows of 2010 I am looking for, naturally FNL tops that list (on account I do not have DirecTV) and even though I don’t subscribe, Starz has an upcoming show called Spaticus that looks really good, but I may have to wait until 2011 to watch via DVD.

    • Rome is one I never would have thought of, but glad that you have loved it this decade.

      Spartacus does look really good! Usually STARZ puts their series’ on Netflix on demand (I don’t know if you have Netflix), that’s how I watch a lot of their stuff.

  6. kim

    i have direct tv, and FNL has been genius this year. per usual.

  7. jeff

    hope you’re excited about LIFE UNEXPECTED.
    i know i am.

  8. Beebs

    I am very excited about season 3 of In Treatment. I’m also enjoying the current new episodes of The Closer.

  9. Hi, great point. Posts like this one are why I follow your blog. Have a great 2010!

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