Category Archives: Vampire Diaries

Best TV Of The Year: 2009

As opposed to my Best of the Decade list which contained moments and episodes from the decade, this list will be less extensive because I didn’t want to limit myself to 5 best shows of 09. Keep in mind, this is in no particular order!

1.  Parks and Recreation: I did not enjoy this show in its first season. It was always all about “the pit” and getting rid of the pit. I adore Amy Poehler, but her role seemed a bit too Michael Scott-esque to me. However, whatever happened during the off-season was fantastic. Season two has been hilarious. The pit has taken a secondary role, and each character has had a chance to develop and grow. I didn’t care for Andy in the first season, but he has become one of my favorites. I think this show deserves a ton of recognition for really stepping up its game. It is a show I look forward to every week.

2. Lost: This past season has been phenomenal. Time changing, Dharma goodness, Hurley’s hilarious questions…it’s all been great. The creators are brilliant, and I have faith that they know exactly what they are doing and that the series finale is going to blow our minds.

3. How I Met Your Mother: This year has had such great episodes as The Playbook and The Front Porch (I will never forget how hard I laughed at suitjamas). While this show can have its up and downs, every episode makes me happy. And any excuse to watch Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) wax poetic about his “bro code” and “lemon laws” is great in my opinion.

4. The Office: Season 5 started off (in ’08) with the Jim and Pam proposal, and ended on a pregnancy. And season 6 had one of the best episodes of The Office ever with the Jim/Pam wedding. It was perfect in so many ways–hilarious but also showed us what we have been wanting for 6 years. I may have watched the boat scene upwards of 10 times. The show is at its best truly brilliant, and it has been a great season thus far. I can’t wait to see more.

5. Party Down: This show on Starz Network has garnered quite a following for itself. Created by Rob Thomas (of Veronica Mars fame) it stars many of his VM colleagues, and is truly fantastic. It is a hilarious and wonderful portrayal of a catering company in Los Angeles, and its employees who clearly want to be more than just cater waiters. It returns for a 2nd season in 2010, where Kristen Bell will be back, and Megan Mullally joins the cast. This is a show you must see! Catch up with it on DVD before season 2 begins.

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Filed under Gabriel Byrne, Glee, Lea Michele, Parks and Recreation, Party Down, The Office, The Vampire Diaries, Vampire Diaries

Top TV shows of 2009 and the decade: What were yours? PLUS What I’m looking forward to in 2010

Let’s face it…the lull in TV is a little sad right now. There is some great ABC Family programming coming back right after the first of the year (lots of coverage on Secret Life and Make It Or Break it is coming soon!), and Chuck and LOST come back soon as well. But right now, I have been filling my nights with The Vampire Diaries marathon and the tidbits of new TV that there is.

I have also been composing my best of lists! I will be posting my Best of the Year and Best of the Decade in the next couple weeks, but I am curious to know what are your favorites? It could be a moment, an episode, anything…

My decade list is going to be tough. I have a ton of shows I watched this decade…many of which were my favorites. Friends, Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, The Office and Arrested Development come to mind. As for Best of the Year, Glee and Modern Family will be on that list. I also have really enjoyed Parks and Recreation this season. And there are many others too. Tell me what you think!

What I’m looking forward to in 2010: ABC Family had such great programming this summer with Make it or Break It and Secret Life of the American Teenager. I am looking forward to their premieres on January 4th. Of course, I am excited about the last season of LOST, which premieres on February 2nd. (Also, a little sad about it). Chuck returns on January 10th! Glee returns in April (far, far too long to wait). V comes back on March 30th, and I’m looking forward to seeing what direction they are going in. In Treatment will be back for a 3rd season in the summer, and I adore that show. So there is definitely a lot to look forward to in 2010, I am just wishing it would come sooner! What are you looking forward to?


Filed under ABC Family, Glee, In Treatment, Make It Or Break it, Modern Family, Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries Videos!

My love for The Vampire Diaries has just continued to grow as the season goes on. I plan to do a Checking In post about it, but I really enjoy it every week. I like how each episode is mysterious and keeps you wanting more.

So to quench your thirst (get it?) until tomorrow, here are a couple of clips from the next episode of The Vampire Diaries. Don’t worry, none are too spoiler-y.

Be sure to tune in tomorrow night at 8 pm on the CW!

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FALL TV PREVIEW – Vampire Diaries

Since I love most things Twilight and True Blood–I had high hopes for this series based on a YA book series written by L.J. Smith. The show (and books) revolves around Elena Gilbert (played by Nina Dobrev of Degrassi fame), a model student, and popular girl whose parents died. She has to face the world of living with her aunt and her druggie brother (played by Steven McQueen from Everwood) as the school year begins. And then Stefan (mysterious vampire played by Paul Wesley) comes into her life. Stefan is a peaceful vampire who doesn’t feed on humans. But his brother Damon comes (played by the strikingly beautiful Ian Somerhelder) is quite the opposite, and ruins the life his brother has been working so hard for. We learn why Stefan lusts after Elena, and the two leads keep diaries (hence the title) guiding us through their thoughts.

I really enjoyed this pilot. I realize it is maybe oriented towards a younger demographic (but maybe not?) but I liked seeing a Degrassi alum, and of course a Lost alum. I think it has a lot of potential. The acting was good, the vampire parts were good, and I loved that while it might be very Twilight and True Blood-esque, it still maintains a unique quality. And it helps that these are some sexy vampires.

Vampire Diaries premieres Thursday, September 10th at 8pm on the CW.

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Filed under Ian Somerhalder, Nina Dobrev, Vampire Diaries