Category Archives: Veronica Mars

Best TV of the Decade: How my relationship with TV continued to solidify through the Aughts

I have been in love with all things TV since I knew what TV was. I grew up in the age of great TV. As any child of the 80s can claim, TV was almost a surrogate parent for me. As I got older, my relationship with TV continued to solidify and increase. In college, my roommate and I would keep the TV on practically from the moment we woke up until the moment we went to sleep. We’d wake up to Maury (don’t judge) and fall asleep to Frasier reruns. TV for me has always been a way to get invested in something that wasn’t my own life. It wasn’t necessarily a form of escapism, but more a way to enter the world of Central Perk or Neptune High.

I wouldn’t be writing about TV so much if I didn’t truly love it. When thinking about my list, I realized how subjective mine would be. There will be shows on there which I am sure everyone agrees with and some I might have left out. I decided that in addition to this list, I will include moments as well. Just naming a show is great, but I want to let everyone into my decade for a bit.

The first show that comes to mind right away is Friends. I realize that the show only had 4 seasons in the decade, but to me they were some of its best. One of my favorite episodes of all time (and there are way too many) is in the 9th season. “The One With Phoebe’s Birthday Dinner” centers around the gang’s arrival to Phoebe’s birthday dinner. Everyone (besides the guest of honor and Joey) are so preoccupied that they show up over an hour late. When the guests finally do arrive, Rachel and Ross brought Ross’ mom to watch Emma (they didn’t want to leave her), and Monica and Chandler are in a fight over cigarettes, ovulating and sex. Finally they all decide they are dedicated to the dinner, and Phoebe gets a call from Mike (boyfriend) and decides to leave to spend time with him. Eventually, everyone else (again besides Joey) leave to get back to their issues at hand. One of the best lines of the show comes at the very end when Joey says “Dinner for 6…for 1? You boys are about to see something very special.” The episode is also filled with many other amazing one-liners:
“Cigarettes in Hawaiian are called leilalalukus.” – Chandler, explaining his extensive knowledge of cigarettes to Phoebe
“Never hit a woman, never hit a woman. Ross bruises like a peach, he bruises like a peach” -Joey, when the gang takes too much time to order food after they finally arrived
Ross: “Kick up your feet, paint the town red!”
Rachel: “You really have to learn some new slang.”

This episode is just one of my many favorites from this show that made the friendship comedy what it is today. I remember re-watching this tape recorded episode, that a friend from college was kind enough to give my roommate and I, (DVR was just becoming sort of popular later in my college years) so many times that it eventually started to skip a little. Without Friends (and arguably others as well), there would be no How I Met Your Mother, or The Office. It was quite revolutionary in that respect. There was no star, no one standout actor. They were all a part of a cast of characters that grew, married, divorced, had babies and each got their moment in the spotlight. And as cheesy as this may sound, I feel like I grew along with them. I sat in my room watching the finale, crying as they gave in their keys–feeling like in a way, I knew this part of my life was over too. So I couldn’t leave this show off my list because it really will remain one of my favorites of all time, and definitely the decade.

The next show I consider to be a “best,” is Veronica Mars. Now I have to admit, in the age of DVDs and Netflix, I did not watch this show live. I don’t think my sole viewership would have saved the show from it’s way-too-short lived run, but I do wish I had seen it from day 1. I had always liked Kristen Bell, and my friend who introduced me to the show told me how amazing it was. We sat on her apartment couch (with her roommate’s crazy cats attacking us) and watched episode after episode. I think one time we watched four episodes of season 1 in a row without moving. I was addicted from the first few minutes. I loved every part of it: the cast, the mysteries, Jason Dohring… Rob Thomas is brilliant in so many respects and this show is his shining glory. One of my favorite episodes from this show was probably the finale of season 1 when everything comes to a head. (The finale of season 2 was amazing too). Veronica figures out Lily’s killer, almost dies, her dad saves her…you know the usual for a teenage sleuth. I wish that it had that 4th season with Veronica in the FBI because even though the 3rd season might not have been as innovative and amazing as the first 2, it was still Kristen Bell at her best, and I will always love it.

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Filed under The Office, Veronica Mars

So No One Told You Life Was Gonna Be This Way (Shows I Miss The Most – Part 1)

1. Gilmore Girls: I must say, even though the 7th season was sort of a disaster with the absence of the show’s creator Amy Sherman Palladino, I miss the Lorelais. I miss Luke and the diner, Kirk, Miss Patty, Babette, Taylor and all of the Stars Hollow crew. Rory and Lorelai brought a quick wit and humor to television that I believe had never been seen before and their world was one I loved to immerse myself in every Tuesday night.

2. Friends: I think Friends got a bit overshadowed by Seinfeld in its hey-day but I loved it. I could always count on a laugh at Chandler and Joey’s antics, and enjoy quirky Phoebe and even ditzy Rachel. And yes, I did get “The Rachel” haircut. But in all seriousness, this show was incredibly funny and had a lot of heart. I will never get tired of the reruns. I couldn’t pick one video or find a good compilation so here are a few.

3. Veronica Mars: I must admit, I watched this show on DVD, and not when it was on tv but I don’t think that makes me any less of a fan. Rob Thomas is a genius, and paired with Kristen Bell, and an amazing cast of supporting characters, he can do no wrong. With lines such as “Never undercount the sassy” and “This? Is my over-the-moon face,” I can never get enough of it. Each week was a new mystery, all tied together with an overarching case to solve. The acting was brilliant, the stories were fantastic…even the theme song by The Dandy Warhols was awesome…I really don’t think I could find a flaw in this show if I tried—except for the fact that it only lasted 3 seasons. I fully support a Veronica Mars movie and you should check out @IMKristenBell on twitter for more info on how to make this happen.

4. Arrested Development: This show ended way before it’s time. It was filled with crazy characters, ridiculous storylines that were incredibly grounded at the same time, and most of all, it was absolutely hilarious. The show rewarded their loyal viewers with call back jokes and gave it to FOX many times…in very subtle and brilliant ways. With a cast of Jason Bateman, Michael Cera, Will Arnett, Jeffrey Tambor, Jessica Walter, Alia Shawkat, David Cross, Portia De Rossi, and even a guest stint by Liza Minnelli—how can you possibly go wrong?? The video is clips of George Michael and Maeby (my favorite storyline)…although I wish I had found one with more of the cast members. You’ll just have to go watch it on DVD!

5. The O.C., or as I fondly call it, the Gossip Girl of the 00s, was dramatic, funny, and anchored by a great cast (Peter Gallagher as Sanford Cohen). I was always excited to tune into this show. While it had it’s over-the-top moments, the O.C. was a guilty pleasure that I didn’t feel really guilty about. This video is one of my favorite moments from the show.

What shows do you miss the most and why? Comment and let me know!


Filed under Amy Sherman-Palladino, Arrested Development, Friends, Gilmore Girls, Kristen Bell, Rob Thomas, The OC, Veronica Mars