Tag Archives: Sundance Channel

SUNDANCE CHANNEL: Rufus Wainwright “Prima Donna”

The Sundance Channel has some great programming coming up, and it’s documentaries are no exception. I recently had the pleasure of watching their newest one called Rufus Wainwright: Prima Donna. If you are a fan of this artist (and I know I am), you will really love this documentary. It takes the viewer through a journey of Rufus Wainwright’s life and prolific career leading up to his first classical opera (aptly titled “Prima Donna”) It is full of interesting home videos, and other exclusive looks into his life and what made him the singer/songwriter that he is today.

I had no idea that he always had a passion and love for opera. As a teenager, he cast his sister and cousins in the opera “Tosca,” that he filmed on a camcorder. Everything that Rufus does has a ton of passion behind it. This opera is no exception. The plot and cast members are loosely based on people closest to him. And despite his incredible talent, creating and staging this opera can be challenging at parts.

The documentary may be focused on his creative process surrounding the opera, but it is at its core about Rufus’ life. He was born to singer/performer Loudon Wainwright III and folk singer Kate McGarrigle. From a very young age, he was encouraged to explore his own musical talent. (In fact, most of his family is successful in the music business). He came out when he was a teenager, was addicted to drugs and had a stint in rehab, and has now become an incredibly beloved artist. He has a huge, cult-like fan base who will absolutely adore this documentary.

Even if you aren’t familiar with Rufus’ work, this documentary is very much worth checking out. I can’t put myself in the group of his biggest fans, I am more of a casual listener, but this documentary is great regardless. Rufus has had an incredibly interesting life and career, and this documentary truly showcases his journey to become the person he is now.

Be sure to tune in tonight at 9 pm on the Sundance Channel.

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